Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Entry 2- product audience

Audience appeal:


Which age group/ or people interest would my product be best suitable for?


After describing my MAIN idea to a few people of my age group the results I got for this question are as so:


Age group

1 -


2 -


3 -


The feedback I got from my result was that as you can see majority thought most suitable for middle aged adults, however one piece of really constructive advice I got was that it would be a smart idea to make the different shelf and covers according to different age group so that there is a range. I found this idea extremely useful and am thinking of putting it in to place :). For example:

For children, to incorporate pencil holders, make the covers colouful with cartoons.

For teenage girls, perhaps small holes for earrings, or maybe even little clips for pictures.

For adults, a simplistic monotone colour design? Geometric shapes, with holders such as for a compartment for phones, post it notes. Business purposes. A slot for folders.

and many more in different themes.