Monday, February 28, 2011

Entry 23- Communication with client

This post exemplifies the creative decisions that I had to make in order to enhance the prototype of the product, however first I was to contact my client to verify if the changes were okay.
Below are screenshots of emails being sent to and from the client for evidence of communication:

Entry 22- Changing the client

During the middle of my research I had to change clients for the reasons said in this video. Although this change was done in May 2010 I have put it in for evidence of project alterations

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Entry 21- organisation questionaire

I also created another questionnaire to find out in general what people think of organising desks, and how useful it is according to different age groups. This is so that I could attain a wider audience review, and to improve the design of the product next time around.
Using survey monkey this is my link:

Click here to take survey

This survey is not client specific but results are from a general public