Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Entry 7- Discussing in detail specific hardware required for the solution

Hardware used for this project will be the light wood used for making the mini-desk shelf, paints, initial drawn designs of each product, materials for cover of shelf. (useful to research environmentally friendly materials) extra appeal to client.
As well as materials for decorative purpose, done at the end. I will also be using a camera to take pictures of the product as advertisement purpose.

Minimally, I will need to explore suitable decorations and colours to used for the design and 'look' of the product. However my main focus will be on the construction and easily used woods to create the product, as this will be the most time consuming process. For advertising another hardware source needed will be simple digital camera to have hard records and proof of product.
These justify my solutions as the design and practical are the things done after using ICT softwares such as "corel draw". In the next entry I will be going into further details of the softwares used,

Monday, January 18, 2010

Entry 6- ALTERNATIVE plan

Unfortunately problems such as codes and details not being able to be filled in to use a gantt chart occurred, therefore my next solution described in the earlier post was to use an alternate software called gantt chart. Here is my finished time plan:

I have set myself deadlines and goals for many areas and methods of my project. By doing so I hope to utilize my time more effectively, and ensure that my project is completed well before the final submission date so that I can then review and evaluate my work, as well as to recognize improvements.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Designing the product

I will be using a programme that I have used before called COREL DRAW12 which is an extremely user friendly software. They have various useful tools to create many shapes and designs which can directly be sent to the cutting machine. This is a suitable way for me to design my small shelves as they will be in geometric shapes and not many complicated compartments making the cutting part trouble-free. :)
The main processing involved in order to complete my project is the design, and the prototype of the final outcome. This solution will help be in ticking off one of these main processes. My solution is useful as it can be both viewed and used by a wide range in age of audience, plus changes can be made easily once the design is reopened.

Entry 5.part 2- ICT solution

Another form of ICT I will be using is to create a survey for the clients to answer, and this will help me to see what they are specifically looking for in their products. The is an efficient and appealing website to use creating quick questionnaires or surveys. Preview above:

JUSTIFICATION: this is a suitable ICT solution in comparison to others. It is a much faster way to create surveys which saves time for me to complete the project, as well as it gives a more professional appeal to my customers in social manner.

Entry 5- ICT solutions

Throughout the project I will be using at least 2 if not more types of ICT to back up or further explain the motives and process of my product making.

~1 using a pert chart [PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique] I will plan the order of events in which I will follow to best potential. This includes the time it is estimated to take as well as to keep a tab on how much is done throughout that estimated time. A rough template of the software used can be seen above.
(If at any time needed for alternative source try use 'gantt chart')

JUSTIFICATION: I think this is an appropriate way to record my progress as it is easier to keep a track of all of the set work once in an organised chart form. Considereing other non-ict solutions this is efficient as it makes it visually easier to read with links to which task to do next. As well as it being straightforward to update on a regular basis, compared to non-ICT solutions like timeplans done by hand which are also more likely to be lost without any backup.

Entry 4- Specific and Suitable clients

For my project, I feel it would be better to enable my clients who receive these products each to have their own specialized to their likings. This shows variety and range in my final products, as well as this will help me to create more interesting advertisements for the project.
Regarding to this, i have now made the decision that I will be making 5 of these desk studies. One for approximately each age group. e.g babies, children, teenage, adult, office.

My Clients are as so:

Raffaella Morlotti- suitable for any female design
Meeta Nayar- suitable for adult designed.
Zaha Refaaq- teenage design
Looking for client- suitable for office design
Looking for client- child, cute, colourful designed

To get a range of clients is important in this case, because they can all use them to full ability. Two of them being students, and one working at a real estate office, clearly could do with a product making it easier to organise their work environments.
I will now take their contacts e.g (email, contact number) and create a short survey using www.surveymonkey.com for their preferred colour, theme, and compartment choices.